Status app running its own IPFS or Swarm node?

Does anyone know the plans for Status running its own ipfs/swarm node on the client? There exists currently IPFSDroid which is a full IPFS node running in an Android app, so it is definitely possible. GitHub - ligi/IPFSDroid: Android App for the InterPlanetary File System(IPFS). It’s pretty basic but it does what it purports to, and it works pretty well but I don’t know what its battery consumption and data efficiency are like.

There’s also a Go implementation of IPFS, GitHub - ipfs/kubo: An IPFS implementation in Go, so it seems like integrating with it Shouldn’t Be Too Hard™.

There are some potential advantages to users running an IPFS node, the first being that they could serve prior chat content to each other, which would alleviate the need for as many mail servers. This could be opt-in, for example, so data conscious users don’t suffer.

Is there any work being done around making this a reality or are people generally waiting for Swarm to be good enough to use?

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Not only that, but we could send pictures and video files, cause we only send IPFS link and their client fetches that from IPFS


Is there any work being done around making this a reality or are people generally waiting for Swarm to be good enough to use?

Currently, there is no effort around it :frowning: I think a lot of people is aware of the possibilities but that was not reflected as a priority in our OKRs.

The whole story about decentralized storage on mobile devices is that light clients (that are not participating in storage or relaying data chunks) need to be provided. Another solution is to use gateways but then it’s not really a decetralized solution. However, as an option, that might be enough for many users.

Regarding IPFS, I don’t know if a light node is available. I took a look at IPFSDroid and it uses GitHub - komputing/ipfs-api-kotlin: IPFS API for kotlin to access a IPFS node via http which after a quick glance looks like an HTTP interface for IPFS gateway.

Swarm light client progress doc (not sure if it’s maintained now): light nodes - HackMD

@adam Swarm team is giving an update talk today, btw at 2:20PM - 3:00PM in Prism room.

swarm docs have been updated: