Status Audience Study Results (Iran & UK)

On Wednesday, @hester and two contract researchers the UXR team has been working with presented results from the first round of our Status Audience Study. Reposting links and materials here for wider broadcasting.

What is Status Audience Research?
This is a long term, ongoing survey study where we are looking to identify characteristics of, and drivers for, a potential mainstream Status audience across different countries.

In other words:

  • Who are the people in specific markets that show a potential interest in the Status app?
  • What are pains and gains of applications they currently use specifically when it comes to messaging apps?
  • What feature set is most appealing to them and for what reasons?

At the start, UXR identified a set of countries with audiences we thought would provide broad contrast in terms of attitudes towards crypto wallet and messaging adoption and have narrowed this set of target countries and used a phased approach. In this first phase, we worked with contractors to launch the survey in Iran and UK. For the next phase, we will focus on Japan and Korea.

If you have some time this weekend and next week after the hackathon, please watch the video and reference the presentation below in three parts:

  • Part 1. Intro and overview of general demographics
  • Part 2. Iran country deep dive
  • Part 3. UK country deep dive

Expect findings related to:

  • Demographics
  • Wallet use
  • Messenger use
  • Feature and DApp preference
  • Adoption drivers for chat
  • Status evaluation and adoption requirements

Any and all comments / questions are welcome! Also feel free to ping me or @hester (although she is out on vacation to mid-November) directly if you prefer.

App Audience Iran UK Video
Full report slide deck

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