Status Bi-Weekly Updates

Hey Statusians (what do you think of this for a squad name?)

Hope everyone is okay and is getting through this worldwide pandemic well. Your health is most important before anything else! Take care, stay safe.

This is our very first Bi-weekly Update thread on Discuss! It will be covering everything that has been going on around Status Network for the past 2 weeks. Future updates will be added to this thread in the comments section.

Latest Ongoings Around The Status Network

  • We started the first of the two weeks with Town Hall #54 which was hosted by Ceri.
    In case you missed it, here is a recap Town Hall #54 - March 30, 2020

  • V1.2 of the Mobile App is now live. The Waku Version. In V1.2 we have enabled mailservers that use our forked version of Whisper, known as Waku. Now what is next after V1.2?. V1.3 is now even sooner and will include the long awaited Dark Mode and Group Chats.

  • There have been some discussions on Discuss about Status App Features Suggestion, including a Status Self Detonate Message and we had Vitalik :slight_smile: jumping in on the discussion. If you have any features you would like to suggest, you can add it to the thread on discuss and also submit it on here.

  • Check out this awesome Youtube channel Parellele Polis that Keycard was featured in, the topic was why Smart Cards matter in crypto and what they can be used for. Speaking about Keycard, there has been a Call for Ideas on How Keycard and Status could be used at Conferences. Everyone has been killing it so far with their ideas and you can check them out and also add to if you have any.

  • We got another round of Shoutouts from Vitalik. Yes we think Status is an amazing Ethereum experience too. Quick Read the Article here.

  • We also got listed in Santiment’s Top 10 ERC-20 projects by Dev Activity in March,2020. We are ranked #2nd and we are heading for the first spot next month surely!!!

Blog Articles & Articles Status Was Featured/Mentioned in.


Thank you for this awesome update, @henrystats!