Status Desktop - alpha 4

Status Desktop - alpha.4

The fourth alpha release of Desktop is here!

Please note that this version is an alpha meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It’s not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data in these builds.

We plan to release every 1-2 weeks. Please report issues/bugs in the Status Desktop channel or at Issues · status-im/status-desktop · GitHub

macOS users: on first run, you need to right click → open (due to new Apple requirements for notarization); if in the applications folder, then you need to manually open the folder, right click → open

Update Instructions (IMPORTANT for alpha.4)

Some things have changed in this release which require removing the data folder. You should also backup this folder if you have wallet accounts generated with it.

Make sure to back up your seed phrase before doing the following
→ To do so, go into Profile > Privacy and Security > Backup seed phrase

  • on macOS:
    • Open finder, in the menu click “Go” and select “Go To Folder…” and enter~/Library/Application Support/Status
    • Backup this folder somewhere else if you need it
    • After backup, remove the folder and copy the app from the DMG to the Applications folder
  • on Linux: Backup the ~/.config/Status directory if you need it, then delete it.
  • on Windows:
    • Press the Start button, select Run (or Windows Key + R) and type: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Status
    • Backup this folder somewhere else if you need it
    • After backup, remove the folder and install the exe



  • Ensure the firewall is allowing the Status desktop app

Some Highlights since previous version:

  • Emoji reactions
  • Support reproducing audio messages
  • Improved emoji menu: categories, search, recent
  • Wallet fix: generate deterministic derived address (so it matches mobile)
  • Support registering ENS usernames on Mainnet
  • Asynchronous loading for collectibles, stickerpacks, transaction history
  • New an improved Collectibles tab experience
  • Support adding existing ENS usernames and choosing a preferred ENS username
  • Validate mnemonic format when importing an existing key
  • Improvements in the Send transacton dialog (Still WIP)
  • i18n support (should now work in packaged version)
  • DApp browser removed (at least for now), dramatically reducing binary size
  • Initial work on send/receive transactions in chat (WIP)
  • Fix volume of notification sounds (your ears will be happy)
  • New & improved context menus (in the channel list, the chat messages, etc)
  • Various UI improvements & UX fixes (too many to list)
  • Various other fixes (too many to list)

If you are interested in contributing to Status Desktop please check out the new documentation, it includes an overview, tutorials & guides.


omg! I’m so excited to use this. Thank you and good job @iurimatias