Status Desktop - alpha

UPDATE: the newest version is now alpha.3, check the alpha.3 release post

We’re happy to announce the first alpha release of Desktop!

Please note that this version is an alpha meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It’s not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data in these builds.

We plan to release every 1-2 weeks and this thread will include future updates. Please report issues/bugs in the Status Desktop channel or at Issues · status-im/status-desktop · GitHub


mac users: on first run, you need to right click → open (due to new apple requirements for notarization); if in the applications folder, then you need to manually open the folder, right click → open


Windows: coming soon


  • Ensure there is no existing status app running (like status-rn-desktop, ios simulator running status mobile, etc…)
  • Ensure firewall is allowing the status app
  • There is a known issue with an hang on app start that can happen due to communicating with a bad email server, this has been fixed but it’s not part of this release.

Some Highlights since proof of concept:

  • Make app compatible with HDPI/4k screens
  • updated fonts
  • Show Contacts QR Code
  • Display Collectibles for an account
  • Improved login & wallet performance
  • support enabling/disabling sections in advanced settings
  • Fix icon on linux
  • Add validations to various fields
  • Support ctrl+enter on the chat input
  • show ENS names
  • show usernames in group chats
  • support messaging formatting
  • render icons for transaction list
  • show human readable times instead of timestamps
  • select sticker popup
  • UI settings are saved (e.g sidebar width)
  • login animation
  • backup seed phrase option
  • group chat: adding & removing members
  • initial i18n support

If you are interested to contribute to Status Desktop please check out the new documentation, it includes overview, tutorials & guides.


@iurimatias how do you plan on doing updates on platforms like MacOS, it would be relatively annoying if I have to re-enter seed words on every update. Is there a plan to do this some other way?

@decanus Yes, currently the data/ folder is relative to the app, so an update on macos effectively deletes it. The solution is to use the appropriate OS folders for this, there is a task for this here store data folder in appropriate OS recommended location · Issue #391 · status-im/status-desktop · GitHub

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alpha released for macs before windows :face_vomiting:

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@GrimJaw, posts such as yours often spark debates over which desktop operating system is “better” and other comparable statements. The data you edited in to your post also ignores much more current and opposing trends such as the following, which expressly references NetMarketShare data as well.

Creating alpha builds for Windows in parallel obviously resulted in additional challenges, and alpha builds for Windows are on their way to testers soon anyway… so there’s no need to spark this discussion. Status core contributors are getting what they can out sooner so that testers can begin giving feedback sooner, and anyone should support that.

If you feel a compelling need to test an alpha build immediately, you can virtualize Linux on Windows using VirtualBox if you’d like… but complaining about a lack of Windows builds (instead of thanking Status core contributors for sharing alpha builds at all) is a very confusing way to react to this post.


??? these are the stats from your post

Please clarify your statement “The data you edited in to your post also ignores much more current and opposing trends such as the following, which expressly references NetMarketShare data as well.” and in what world would you rather prioritize 10% (being VERY generous) over 85% of desktop users? There is no debate. Prioritizing windows releases > other OS is just common sense. “shrug”

@GrimJaw TL:DR, since you missed it

  • The link I provided plainly states that Windows market share is decreasing, which your small table of statistics fails to reflect
  • Mentioning any of these statistics is purposeless as they’ll have an alpha build out for Windows soon, and you can test with virtualization
  • As is occurring right now, posts such as yours cause pointless arguments over the benefits of one operating system over another when no “prioritization” is being made by Status core contributors, as alpha builds will soon exist in parallel for macOS and Windows… so I see no reason to describe this as a “debate”

I dont quite understand why you seem so upset? Just because the stats I show are not in favour of macOS? Fact is fact. Windows marketshare decreasing by 2% does not change my stance or any serious developer’s stance on pushing builds that can be offered to the OS with 85% market share. If I recall, “Designed to enable the free flow of information, protect the right to private, secure conversations, and promote the sovereignty of individuals.” So why would you selectively choose to prioritize the OS’s with the lowest marketshare? Doesnt even make sense.

@GrimJaw, I’m unclear on why you think there’s any emotion in my replies… and I have no idea how you feel that Status’ mission statement relates in any way to operating system market share. I’ve been trying to quell the debate you continually pursue. I’ve never debated that Windows market share is larger, as all operating system market share statistics have never been relevant to this discourse.

Windows alpha builds will soon be built in parallel with the other OS builds… and as this is an alpha build anyhow, I see no reason for anyone to be in a rush. Your original post was inflammatory due to use of the :face_vomiting: emoji and the implication that macOS wasn’t worthy of a release, but Windows was. You then edited your post to add statistics to try to justify that. I won’t reply to you again, as you seem to simply be arguing and not comprehending.

Again, one final time, no prioritization of operating systems was nor is being made. All operating systems are going to get alpha builds with each new release.


Hi @GrimJaw!

While working on creating the binaries for all three main OS, we ran into some challenges in getting the Windows version working with some of the features we added, hence why the client is not available yet (althrough our goal was to release the alpha version for all OSs at once).

We are working to fix this and will do a release as soon as it’s possible :slight_smile: . Here’s a sneak peek of the progress we have with Windows:


Status Desktop - alpha.1

The second alpha release of Desktop is here!

Please note that this version is an alpha meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It’s not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data in these builds.

We plan to release every 1-2 weeks. Please report issues/bugs in the Status Desktop channel or at Issues · status-im/status-desktop · GitHub


mac users: on first run, you need to right click → open (due to new apple requirements for notarization); if in the applications folder, then you need to manually open the folder, right click → open


Window: coming soon


  • Important: This version still overrides your current data folder, if you want to use the same data folder, make sure to back up. you can open the status folder, copy the data folder and then paste it after installing the new version
  • Ensure there is no existing status app running (like status-rn-desktop, ios simulator running status mobile, etc…)
  • Ensure the firewall is allowing the status app
  • There is sometimes (albeit much more rarely now) an hang after login, if this happens, quit the app and try again. (also let us know please)

Some Highlights since previous version:

  • overall UI improvements as per feedback
  • misc performance & stability improvements
  • fix issue importing seed/account
  • play sounds for sending messages, errors
  • support searching & starting chats with ENS usernames
  • messages: clickable URL links, clickable chat channel links,
  • fix fonts so status-inter is only used for addresses and accounts
  • show if a message was sent
  • wallet: send modal supports selecting tokens
  • display ENS usernames in areas previously hardcoded (e.g profile popups)
  • copy-to-clipboard functionality
  • show recently used stickers
  • fix mailserver call which could cause client to hang after login
  • initial support to switch themes (Dark Theme coming soon)
  • the QML is now bundled which improves app speed among other benefits

If you are interested to contribute to Status Desktop please check out the new documentation, it includes overview, tutorials & guides.


Status Desktop - alpha.2

This release includes a fix for cpu usage, kudos to @andrey for reporting this!

For other notes and changelog, please refer to the previous post



reminder: Please note that this version is an alpha meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It’s not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data in these builds.


still no windows support? Is it even a priority? :sweat_smile: its no wonder status has such poor retention. Not even catering to the 90% yikes

@GrimJaw I believe the team is actually working on it, there’s definitely a blocker that I am taking a look at A race condition in status-go? · Issue #522 · status-im/status-desktop · GitHub , which seems to be a windows specific issue


@GrimJaw a Windows build is available today with the release of alpha.3:

It just took a little while to adapt the build system so that it can run directly on Windows in a Git Bash shell.

See: building, packaging & code signing - windows · Issue #288 · status-im/status-desktop · GitHub

Note that currently we’re still working on automating the Windows build (and code signing) in Jenkins, so the alpha.3 Windows build was done manually and isn’t code signed.