Status Identicon

Hello, I wanted to discuss the idea of a Status Identicon. This could be developed on the ERC721 token so each identicon is unfungible. The Identicon could be generated by entering in basic info or custom created by the user within a square grid system similar to Paint where you have a set color palette and fill in squares.

Using steganography, the icon could then also replace a QR code and resolve to a user’s ENS name having a useful functionality. This is purely for branding / user experience not to be seen as a security measure or encryption.

The simplicity of the design language allows for easy storage on the blockchain. There comes some questions around the freedom and constraints of the design system;

  1. Does it have its own distinct language that is recognisable back to Status?
  2. Is it self expressive and fun?
  3. Does it communicate what the we are all about (conceptually)?
  4. Is there a connection between the Status logo and the user avatars?

The initial thinking was to use the ‘speech bubble’ as a visual container and the user visualisation within the speech bubble.

The system visualises (conceptually) a continuous dialogue between the (community) and (individual)
This space allows for enough room for expression/customization by the user while still being ‘supported’ by the container. This becomes a balance of a our logo and a user’s expression through Status.

Status and individuals should have an open dialogue together through interface, experience, logos, etc

Below you can see a quickly study done to illustrate this thinking


I like it. It reminds me of Designer News where you can ‘paint’ your avatar on a tiny grid using a limited palette of colours. Users start with only a few colours and can unlock more by participating in the community. This limitation somehow encourages creativity and makes the avatar all the more personal.


I think it could be a nice entry point to for experimenting with the possibilities of expanding the a larger Status design language through the technology. This language itself may not fully correspond yet to our philosophy, but hopefully we can bring it there over time with enough conversation. The end goal would be having a design language that behaves and represents, even abstractly, the Status philosophy. And also be fun :slight_smile:

Barry had found this which is a good example:

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Really nice idea!

Do you have some details about the steganography part? I am a bit skeptical this could be used to reliably look up any meaningful amount of data.

Reminds me of bitmoji. There might be some things to do with composable NFT proposition. Say you combine your identicon with your favorite kitty or cryptostriker…

Hi Julien, I don’t have any expertise in image encryption so we would need to make some tests, however when we discussed this topic with Ricardo, Richard and Barry they seemed to think it was possible to hide information in an image, the security of this we would have to check. I think it would be great to have functionality built in.

Hey Julien,

If we constrain to a status themed color palette then we can represent each color as a single byte, so using a 5x5 grid for example, that would be a total of 25 bytes we could store on chain as a 32 byte array leaving 7 bytes for the name, or we expand the grid and use two arrays which should still be fairly low cost and if no smart contract needs to ever read that data we can get the cost down even more but just storing it as a log.

We could also do something like - some kind of Status accessory for the collectable.


That’s really interesting, we could almost develop one status ‘community logo’ and members can add their own accessory to it for customisation, nice thought on how to bring the two things together.

Wandering on internet I found this project: GitHub - daverau/Pixel-Draw: Pixel drawing app using HTML5/CSS/JS which works on mobile quite well and it has a very simple UI which we could use as inspiration. Here’s a demo on IPFS to see it in action

Also look at this one with Robohash: