Updates: A social network Updates: A social network where users have the power

User Mechanics:

  • Users control what they see via their social network follows, shares, hides, and preferences.
  • Users see all posts shared by the people they follow
  • Users see all posts that the people they have “Follow shares” have shared
  • Users do not see posts that the people they have “Follow hides” have hidden
  • Comments on a post act like a post by that user

Global Mechanics:

  • Anyone may push a global post via a scheme similar to DAPPS curation
  • User may set thresholds and/or parameters that decide whether they will see a global post

Advertiser Mechanics:

  • Can push posts to users via a scheme similar to Tribute to Talk
  • Can pay users to share posts based on scope of reach
  • Can target users by (voluntary) geolocation and preferences (i.e. micro payment to be seen by someone looking for groceries or a bar near a geographic location)
  • User may set thresholds and/or parameters that decide whether they will see an advertisement

SNT Utility:

  • Advertisers may use SNT to reward users for viewing/interaction
  • Advertisers may use SNT to reward users for sharing posts
  • Users may need to pay SNT to the network to receive posts. (though an SNT tax on advertisements may be sufficient?)
  • Users may want to pay SNT for fact checking and/or censorship as a service
  • SNT tipping / Subscriptions


To riff on tipping, I think the prospect of an integrated ‘recommendation’ system, effectively freelance consultancy built into the system, payable in SNT, or with a flat SNT requirement, allowing business people to access high quality business advice without bringing people on on a contractual basis. Potential integration with a digital identity service (verify acumen without revealing identity) would likely be required but it’s an attractive feature for high value users.