Status Learn Ups

Status Learn Ups

We would like to support an opportunity for knowledge sharing and up-skilling between contributors.


We want to encourage all contributors to take time to invest in themselves and up-skill in areas they want to grow or learn. The aim is to provide the space and opportunity for contributors to collaborate, share skills and answer questions on interesting topics in a sociable and interactive setting.

Scheduled Learn Ups:

  • ‘Estate planning for crypto’ - hosted by Carly
  • ‘Introduction to Decentralization & Blockchains for Beginners’ - hosted by Iuri

Invites to follow!

Upcoming Learn Ups:

We have some ideas in the pipeline but this is really up to you. We would love to hear your ideas for upcoming topics that resonate with you, and that you would like to learn more about. Please do share all your thoughts via this form.

Who will present the Learn Ups?:

You, me, anybody! If you have an interesting topic which you would like to share the learnings of with the rest of Status, please fill out this form. and I’ll book you a session. Likewise, if you know any external speakers who would be interested in running a learning session, please get in touch!

You don’t have to be an experienced public speaker to run a Learn Up. This is a safe environment for you to develop your confidence in presenting and public speaking and up-skill other contributors.

As always - ping me, @stef, or our channel if you have any questions at all.

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