Status Mobile Releases

The core team is aiming to establish a regular and reliable mobile release cadence, but in the past there has been many last minutes scrambles as features are required to be rolled out with little notice. Events come up all the time and also have their own needs.

To help reduce friction I’d like to propose that this thread be used for any team (but especially looking at the marketing team) to align on events and requirements ahead of time.

So @Jonathan @Hutch @ShawnS @Blockchain_Islander @cryptowanderer and anyone else please let us know important upcoming dates and what is needed from the product. Releases can take a week or more of testing and fixes so a heads up is very much appreciated.


For EthSingapore / Asian roadshow (starting Dec 2) it would be great to have a release including latest extensions changes. The release must be available for Dec 7 (hackathon starts)

Only major event on my roadmap at the moment is EthDenver - Feb 15, 2019.

Ill follow up here if anything else comes up.

One other thing to note regarding releases is a campaign kicking off December 10 with Decentraland in which we will encourage users to purchase land via status. Rachel mentioned we can add Decentraland back to the DApp list prior the December 10th.