Status quarterly report - wdyt?

Pinging here to gauge interest/get input on an idea proposed by @jonathan.

The proposal is to publish quarterly reports with a polished, narrative wrap-up of what Status achieved and expended in the past quarter.

This would give us something tangible to point people towards who want to understand progress being made by Status. Ofc we currently do give granular updates in blog posts and Town Halls but maybe those require too much time/effort for casual observers to follow.

Here are some examples of similar updates from Kyber and Aragon.

Getting something like this over the line will involve input from multiple teams, so I’m pinging here to see if folks think this is a worthwhile idea and would be happy to be involved (with editorial/wrangling support from Marketing/POps).



Hello @ceri,

I think it’s very important since nearly 90% of big projects like your have one. It’s an important point for the investors to easily track and follow the financial healthy side.

On my design point-of-view:
I don’t think the Kyber report is well organized, certainly caused by the Medium layout and the mix between titles and images. Everything seems to be at the same level; so it’s pretty hard to scroll and have a quick overview (eg: average time spent on the post).

I heard the Aergo report is very complete and professional. Ofc not the same format, so not the same users (investors?) they want to reach.

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Hey @Arthur! Thanks for the input :raised_hands:t2:


The Aergo example is very comprehensive, and I get your point about the Kyber example having a suboptimal layout. All this tells me the quarterly report is going to need a lot of work to be a) impactful, b) aesthetically pleasing, c) fit for purpose (and also that we really need to understand who is reading the report and what they’ll be expecting from it for it to be useful) :slight_smile:

Q2 has now finished (that was quick!) so @rajanie and I are going to work on putting together the first edition of this quarterly report in the next couple of weeks.

We’ll be reaching out to you all to provide/verify content. We’ll try to keep it as light touch as possible for everyone.

If there’s some spare capacity, we’d love some design help for some of the graphics (or we could bounty it). If you’re also keen to get involved in any other way, everyone’s welcome to contribute - just let us know and we can share the list of tasks.

cc @jonathan

Forgot to mention - would be cool to translate the report into different languages. Maybe something we can bounty or crowdsource from our community?


Now the Q2 report is behind us :white_check_mark:, feel free to drop your feedback on the report and data gather process here. Anything you’d like to see done differently for Q3?

Cheers! c

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