Sticker Pack for COVID Relief

Hey All,

A few of us have been working on ideas to help provide financial support for COVID relief and would love your input and help.

@Rugi has created an Assemble proposal to raise funds to provide emergency food assistance to families in Campeche, Brazil.

@ricardo3 has also proposed we produce some sticker packs in which all proceeds will be donated to covid relief funds. We have identified some grants on Gitcoin Grants that are raising funds for just this:

  • Mask + Test Kit Mutual Aid Fund - raising money to produce masks and test kits to be distributed to EU, North America and other parts of the world affected by COVID-19. This grant accepts any ERC20 (so sending SNT to this grant will be simple). However, tracking the use of funds os off chain so we simply need to trust the organizer. Many people have donated and the organizer is known by the community
  • Giveth & Coz: Giving to COVID-19 Causes - working with Giveth and Coz to raise funds for covid relief. The fund will move into a DAO in which voting will determine how the funds are disbursed across three charities. DAI only accepted.

How donations will work:

  • We are already sourcing 3 sticker packs from our community of amazing designers
  • 3 packs will be available for purchase in Status at tiered prices to give the donor ability to choose how much SNT they donate:
    – $2 in SNT
    – $5 in SNT
    – $10 in SNT
  • All proceeds will go to a Multisig and then transferred to the grant of choice at a deadline
  • Upon the deadline the stickers will not be mintable anymore, i.e. they become rares)

Questions to the community:

  • Does anyone have any other relief funds that they suggest? We are looking for funds that have the greatest impact and are transparent in how the money is used.
  • Any objections to the grants mentioned above? The first will be seamless as we can publicly transfer SNT from the multisig to the grant address. However, use of funds is based on trust of the organizer. The second seems more transparent and gives donors a vote in where the funds go. However, as we are collecting funds via sticker pack sales, and then transferring the funds to the grant, voting rights becomes complicated and will require additional work.
  • Any other ideas to make this more impactful?

Hello Sir @jonathan and Team,

Hello everyone, I have a Charity program that will happen few days or weeks from now. I seek some support to binance team and one of their Binance angels help me to provide some medical supplies. I want to donate for these people, as they are rate as poorest of the poor, the 1 day 1 eat people due to pandemic crisis. Mostly they’re affected because here in the Philippines people here got no work no pay and I want to ask some donations for status team any amount is big help. As we will publish in local news and doing some Press releases in our local newspaper. (Binance and Status can have big exposure). If we can donate any amount coming from our heart that is a big help to them as I donated my half of my salary already and I want to donate more. I already contacted the local Chairman and Simone from binance already approved my request, and they said they will give some medical supplies.

For assemble here: Assemble

Please check my photos below. At least 250 houses were razed by a fire that hit New Society Village in Barangay Ilang here early morning Wednesday, April 29 2020


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