The journey to inline-eval in /status-react

During our time in Prague we talked a lot about the importance of keeping the status-react codebase simple for the sake of current and future contributors. That is a broad goal. One narrower one I’d like to focus on is getting someone new to status-react to the point where they can evaluate expressions in-line in their editor. Inline evaluation is one of the things that makes Clojure fun. Bruce talks about this in his motivation behind creating rebel-readline What follows is a layman’s account of how to get to that “aha” moment, specifically for the desktop flavor of status-react.

Part 1: Ascending the mountain

The offical instructions for building status-desktop are here: Go check them out, they’re great! After running all of the init commands: the “big 4” that run at any one time are:

npm start
node ubuntu-server
make watch-desktop
react-native run-desktop

For the purposes of understanding the repl and eventually getting inline-eval working, the remainder of this post will focus on the third step: make watch-desktop. Under the hood it runs:

clj -R:dev build.clj watch --platform desktop

Here, clj (just rlwrap around the clojure command) calls a method in the build.clj file called “watch”. Straightforward enough! Peeling back the layers of how this starts a repl was the shortest route I could find towards understanding the project’s tooling and getting inline-eval working.

First though, some backstory. One big move for clojure users recently is the shift away from lein and towards clojure deps & cli. Clojure - Deps and CLI Reference Fewer things are done automagically in this new world but what you can see is easier to reason about. Dependencies are listed in deps.edn at the root of the project and a hand-rolled build script is located (you guessed it) at build.clj. If you’re looking for a distilled version of how this workflow might come about, there’s a good blog post about the structure here: Figwheel with new Clojure 1.9 CLI tools

Aside from moving from lein to cli, the second big part of the tooling to grok in order to get to repl/inline-eval goodness has to do with figwheel. Thankfully, this is pretty straightforward. Fighweel-sidecar is figwheel without any inherent dependency on lein. Check it out at:

Now that there’s a bit of context around clojure cli and figwheel, it might be worth revisiting that command: clj -R:dev build.clj watch --platform desktop which we set out to understand in pursuit of a larger truth. The command starts figwheel to hot-reload project files (though status uses a helper utility clj-rn to do it) and then it starts a clojurescript repl right in your terminal via figwheel sidecar.

One final side effect of this command worth noting is that it starts nrepl on a port that we can connect to later. What is nrepl? More on that in part 2.

Part 2 Through the trap door

Working with a clojure repl can be an enjoyable experience, but something about a clojure nrepl feels daunting. For a long time I tried to ignore the n, until one day I read that n just stands for network, making nrepl the network repl. It comes with a client and a server. When we run “make watch-desktop”, figwheel starts an nrepl server on port 7888 and a first client of that server right in your terminal. The goal of this exercise is to connect a second client from your editor.

(disclaimer the rest of this post assumes cider-emacs. There are other ways, vim-fireplace, etc. Experiment with whichever one works for you!).

As of the time of writing, November 2018, it can be confusing to track down which version of nrepl to use. There are a lot of github repositories and clojars artifacts who have thrown their hats into the arena. They all end in “nrepl”and many of them stem from seemingly reputable sources. Clojure tools has an nrepl. Cider has an nrepl. Even nrepl has an nrepl! To keep things simple: status-react includes cider/cider-nrepl in its deps.edn and it works well for the purposes of this project. If you’re curious about the history and origins of nrepl: this post by Bozhidar goes into more depth:

So now that we know that the decision of using cider’s nrepl has been made for us (at least within the context of status-react) we can peruse the narrower set of options at our disposal for connecting to it. Cider has a great website here: CIDER :: CIDER Docs but for specifics around configuring an nrepl connection, a helpful read can be found within the project source itself at:

So where does all that leave us? Time to take stock. If we’ve run “the big 4”, we can assume that our development environment has a running nrepl as a result of running make watch-desktop and we’re now at the final step of connecting to it properly. The cider docs linked above offer a suite of commands which all seem promising. Among them are: “cider-jack-in” “cider-connect” and “cider-connect-cljs”.

Cider-jack-in is a bit too heavy here. It would try to start a new nrepl and we already have one running after all. Either of the connect commands would work, but cider has prevsiously given some thought to defaults for cider-connect-cljs, as well as providing custom alternatives, so that route makes sense to pursue.

The only reason we can’t just hit the ground running with selecting a default of “figwheel” here is that figwheel is already started (via make watch-desktop), and trying to start it again would break things. What we can do then, is modify the source of cider’s pre-defined figwheel cljs type to require sidecar and to start a cljs repl with it, but just remove the part where we start figwheel all over again!

Some elisp code to define and connect via this new, pared-down repl type could look like:

(cider-register-cljs-repl-type 'figwheel-cljs "(do (require 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api) (figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/cljs-repl))")
(setq cider-default-cljs-repl 'figwheel-cljs)
(cider-connect-cljs '(:host "localhost" :port 7888)))

You evaluate this elisp code however you want. The goal of this post is just to show one possible way. I’ve rolled the above into a single defun that I call when opening up emacs. handroll a new, albeit janky fn for connecting to status-desktop · rcullito/emacs@4332d44 · GitHub offers another great solution by using a .dir-locals file. Any solution is fair game, it’s just worth noting that an understanding of how all the pieces work together is crucial for how you go about configuring this last step.

So, to wrap up: in order to run status-react. Follow along via all the init steps outlined in, run “the big 4”, which again are:

npm start
node ubuntu-server
make watch-desktop
react-native run-desktop

and finally: open emacs and evaluate the elisp code in the manner agreeable to you. Then, at long last, you can open an arbitrary clojurescript file, and evaulate any expression to your heart’s content. Happy coding.


The above steps are meant to make it a little easier to get started with and reason about status-react. Future contributors need to get a “foot on the ladder”, or some sense of momentum, when participating in a new project for the first time. In my opinion, somewhere in between checking out a README and actually contributing to a project, there is an internal weighing of whether it is a fun thing to work on or not. Inline eval is something I find fun about clojure and status-react, which is why I’ve chosen to outline my experience getting to that point. The process outlined above is certainly rough, but my hope is that by taking a stab at a set of reproducible steps, it will be easier for people to reach a “tipping point” where status-react is something they can get their arms around. Improvements and suggestions are both welcome. (as well as discussion in the #clojure channel on Status) I’m sure there’s a lot I’ve put forth that is at best janky or at worst downright incorrect. It’s meant as a starting point from which, over time, we can hopefully continue to bring more tribal knowledge into the light.


@rob this is really awesome work. Can I include it in the docs as a tutorial? (Am putting together some now and thinking about how to structure it all.)

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OK, I added a new branch to our docs:

@rob please take a look at your tutorial (it’s under the tutorials route in source). Feel free to add any commits if you like :+1:

@rramos please take a look at the Whisper With Embark tutorial and see my comments in Status about it/possible improvements & changes.


Just checked out the updated doc and it looks great! Thanks for the expanded set of metaphor, @cryptowanderer, as well as the greater clarity around voice aimed at new contributors. Everything feels much more readable now.

The only thing I’ll add via an additional commit is a mention of the newly created #clojure channel. I’m open to other suggestions but this seemed like fertile ground for folks to talk about our tooling and the ecosystem in general without necessarily interrupting conversation in other core channels around specific product features.

Cheers, and thanks again for the improvements!