Token Economics: ENS Usernames


We’ve released our first article in an ongoing series on token economics and how they can be applied to SNT and it’s use-cases.

You can find the article here

Please note that the numbers at the end are not meant to show exactly how much money is or will be locked up in ENS, and are not as important as the methodology used to get to them. We wanted to open up this thread for feedback on how they can be improved, what is right and what is wrong about them, and similar topics.

It is our goal to be able to apply models like this to all of the use cases, which will eventually not only give a relative impact of the use-case to the entire Status ecosystem, but also methods for evaluation priority of development and potential impact of new features. They should be helpful for how much money to allocate into liquid funding, etc.

So give it a read and tell me what you think. And big special thanks for @barry for starting all this work and putting in a tremendous amount of time to the underlying notebooks that started this work, and @jonathan for helping put it all together into something that’s approachable and readable to everyone, as well as a lot of the grunt work of getting it all wrapped up. Furthermore, the folks in the token-economics swarm have been incredibly helpful in feedback and thoughts throughout.


REMINDER - @petty and @barry will be walking through the crypto economic research initiative and the ENS Token Model tomorrow via zoom. Join if you are interested in the research and have questions about the model.

We will post a recording and meeting notes after the call if anyone is unable to attend.

Date/Time: Thursday June 6th @ 1pm GMT
Meeting: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Agenda: Token Economic Research Q&A - ENS Registration - CodiMD

Feel free to add questions to the agenda or share them in this thread.

Recording of the Q&A here for those interested. Thanks to those who joined and please feel free to post follow questions and thoughts on the model in this thread.

We welcome and encourage criticism on the model.

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