TravelPerk - Making all business travel easier to book!

Hello everyone,

Ask and you shall receive! From this post, we would like to make travel bookings easier for everyone. We will be rolling out a great new booking tool, TravelPerk. Here’s what will happen:

  • You will receive a welcome email from TravelPerk.
  • Please set up your account and make sure the name on the account matches the name on your passport. You should add the following to your account to make your booking processes faster:
    • Passport / ID card
    • Birthday
    • Credit card
    • Update your profile currency to what your salary is paid in.
  • BONUS: Please link your account to your expensify. This will help you with expensing all work related travel.

If you require any additional help with setting up your account, please let me know. Please also check out our cool new PeopleOps page on how to book travel
