What is Your Crypto Score? – Measuring Crypto Adoption

To establish your score, please read through the following list and add up your points for this period (=during the last three months).

+1 consider yourself a fan of crypto
+1 have a ticket for an upcoming crypto meetup or conference
+1 own a hardware wallet
+1 invested in a crypto project this period
+1 have 5% of your wealth or more in crypto
+1 held a presentation on crypto this period
+1 apply crypto daily (e.g., do transactions or use the Status.im app)
+1 committed code to a crypto protocol or deployed a smart contract this period
+1 collect your salary in crypto (or a considerable part of it)
+1 dedicate most of your time to crypto

Feel free to improve the above and name the scoring scheme after yourself: “ Your Name here ’s Crypto Score”.

By the way, I am a 9 out of 10. – What is your crypto score?


only a 6…room for improvement

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My score is 9 but every 4 to 5 months becomes 10 when I do a talk.

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I’m 8-10 out of 10, depending on definition of “invested in a crypto project this period” and “committed code to a crypto protocol”.

I’m 9 out of 10 only because I can’t code! Yet!!! You never know and it is never to late to start something new. :wink: but if we can get more points by being 100% commited maybe I can trick the scoring system :slightly_smiling_face:

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6 :slight_smile: That’s actually higher than I thought because I always think of myself as a crypto noob, so it’s a relatively low score, but it’s nice to see how far I’ve come

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I’m on a 7 which is heading in the right direction, shame there isn’t:

‘+1 if you talk daily and bore the hell out of your family/friends about Status, blockchain or crypto related projects’ :grin:

I’m at 7 right now. I think I was around 0 a year ago.

Thank you for your scoring scheme improvement suggestion, Alex

Alex’s Crypto Score:

To establish your score, please read through the following list and add up your points for this period (=during the last three months).

+1 consider yourself a fan of crypto
+1 have a ticket for an upcoming crypto meetup or conference
+1 own a hardware wallet
+1 invested in a crypto project this period
+1 have 5% of your wealth or more in crypto
+1 held a presentation on crypto this period
+1 apply crypto daily (e.g., do transactions or use the Status.im app)
+1 committed code to a crypto protocol or deployed a smart contract this period
+1 collect your salary in crypto (or a considerable part of it)
+1 dedicate most of your time to crypto
+1 talk daily (and bore the hell out of your family/friends) about Status, blockchain or crypto related projects

Btw, I am a 10 out of 11. What is your Alex’s Crypto Score?

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Now I’m 10 too. :wink: still carrying same non-coding flaw.

i’m eight out of ten :slight_smile: