Windows port of Status Desktop

As some of you might be aware already, I’ve been working on porting Status Desktop to Windows. The app is currently in a good state, missing only the recent notifications functionality. I’ve shared two builds previously on Status #status-desktop and #status-people-ops channels, assuming that this would reach most Windows users. However, in recent days I’ve noticed that some Windows users were not aware of this build and are still running Status Desktop on a VM, so a Discuss post seems in order.

For users of builds #1/#2 moving to build #3 and later

Since there’s been a change of directory names in more recent builds, users of previous Windows builds will need to move their data folder if they want to keep their current account data. It should be enought to go to a terminal (Windows Command Prompt) and type

move "%APPDATA%\StatusIm" "%LOCALAPPDATA%" && rename "%LOCALAPPDATA%\StatusIm" Status

Download links

Build #1 (Oct 14):
Build #2 (Oct 17): StatusWin10-2.7z - Google Drive
Build #3 (Oct 24): Status-Windows10-92bd6f9b.7z - Google Drive
Build #4 (Oct 31): removed
Build #5 (Nov 1): - Google Drive
Build #6 (Nov 10):

Ongoing builds available here.

Known issues

  • Notifications are not yet working on Windows due to build errors.
  • Deep links will not be available until a setup program is available, since this requires minor changes to the OS configuration.

Reporting issues

Please report any Windows-specific issues in the pull request.


Added build #3, which among other things fixes chat sort order.

How is this supposed to be run? There is no executable here?

Ah, sorry, my bad; there were 2000 files there; trying now;)

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It only says connecting to peers, indefinitely

Are you behind a firewall that might be blocking some types of internet connections?

wow, sorry, I’m running it in a vm and I had to make a rule for it: sorry;)

No problem, thanks for giving it a try!

Sure, and thank you; I will report back as I get my friends onto this client

The Linux app (and probably MacOS too, haven’t tested though) have a Status icon now, courtesy of the Windows work:

New Windows build is available (see OP for link to build #4)

@pedro, something wrong with link to build #4.

Thanks for the heads up, fixed.

Uploaded build #5, which fixes the status-go dependency that was causing issues with connection to mailservers.

Finished integrating Windows builds with Jenkins, so we’ll soon start seeing Windows builds listed on the nightlies page. Until then, you can visit the Jenkins PR build page and fetch the latest successful artifact from there, as it will regularly be updated until the PR is merged.

Look for Windows nightlies coming out starting tonight at Status - Grab The Latest Builds!! Soon the zip artifact will be replaced by an actual Windows installer, to make updates easier.


Kudos @Pedro! It was a lovely surprise to see windows available on the nightlies page!!

This was a huge amount of work and opens the doors to lots of new users using Status.

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@pedro ,

Been using the Windows desktop app and working great. One thing I noticed: I was typing a private chat to Hutch on my phone and his responses would show up on both my phone and on the windows app but the funny thing was my side of the chat that I was typing into my phone did not show up on the Windows app.

Does that make sense?


Do I need to delete the old app before installing the new one?

Thanks for trying it out!

That is normal behaviour. But if you check this syncing thread you can learn how to sync devices and make your own messages show up on both windows and your phone.